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Puppet master Wiki


The Littlest Reich


Amber Williams


Deceased (Neck slit by Blade)

Princess was one of the guests staying at the Brass Buckle hotel in Postville, during the convention celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Toulon murders. She and her boyfriend Strommelson had taken with them a Junior Fuhrer puppet that was built by Andre Toulon (The Littlest Reich timeline) so that they could sell it at the auction.

After the hotel staff had discovered dead bodies around the hotel they had called Detective Brown, who ordered everyone out of their hotel rooms to meet in the main lobby to be questioned. During this time Strommnelson is attacked by their puppet and while he is getting killed there is a Tunneler puppet in the ceiling that drills a hole through it, which allows a Blade puppet to fall down and cling to her head with his hook. He then kills her by sawing into her neck with his knife. Strommnelson's body is then taken over by the Junior Fuhrer puppet and he carries her body away.


  • Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich

